
Take a step towards a better tomorrow and sign up for MEN-tor's transformative retreats.


MEN-tor's transformative retreats provide high-achieving men with a life-changing experience.

We offer a safe and supportive environment for personal and professional growth, optimal health, and well-being.

What we offer

Join a MEN-tor retreat to reconnect with yourself, ignite your passion and purpose, and achieve personal and professional growth in a supportive and transformative environment


MEN-Tor's coaching at the retreat will provide high-achieving men with personalised guidance and support to overcome challenges, improve their mental health, and achieve their full potential


- Achieve personal/professional goals.
- Improved self-awareness and confidence.
- Overcome obstacles and challenges.
- Enhanced emotional regulation.
- Accelerated personal growth.
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Breathing Techniques

Learning breathing techniques can help reduce stress and anxiety, lower blood pressure, improve immune function, and promote overall physical and mental well-being.

Breathing Techniques

-Reduces stress and anxiety.
- Improves lung capacity.
- Enhances mental clarity.
- Balances energy channels.
- Promotes overall well-being.
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Meditation can reduce stress and anxiety, improve emotional regulation, increase self-awareness, and promote overall mental and physical well-being.


- Start with short sessions.
- Focus on your breath.
- Find a comfortable posture.
- Release thoughts, don't judge.
- Practice consistently for benefits.
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Planning for Growth

Planning for growth can help you identify and achieve your goals, improve your self-confidence, develop new skills, and increase overall satisfaction and success in your personal and professional lives.

Planning for Growth

- Identify and prioritise goals.
- Develop an action plan.
- Cultivate new skills and knowledge.
- Stay motivated and accountable.
- Achieve personal and professional growth.
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Mindset coaching can help individuals overcome limiting beliefs and cultivate a positive, growth-oriented mindset, leading to increased confidence, motivation, and success in various areas of life.


- Increases self-awareness and emotional intelligence
- Helps develop a growth mindset and overcome limiting beliefs
- Boosts confidence and self-esteem
- Enhances decision-making skills and problem-solving abilities
-Improves relationships and communication skills
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Connecting and sharing with others in a caring and supportive community can provide a sense of belonging, reduce social isolation, and improve men's mental health and overall wellbeing.


- Identify your interests and values.
- Join our online community & chat groups.
- Develop a social network of people who understand.
- Build relationships and connections.
- Offer support and get involved.
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Retreat leader

Tim Strong

At MEN-tor, we believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to improve their mental health and wellbeing, regardless of their financial situation. That’s why we’re offering a unique Pay it Forward approach for our upcoming Wellness Retreat, with no upfront cost to attend.

We understand that the stresses and pressures of modern life can be overwhelming, and we want to provide a space for people to connect with themselves and others, and begin their journey towards healing and growth. That’s why we’re offering a limited number of places for individuals who are committed to making a positive impact on the lives of others. By attending the retreat, you’ll not only be investing in your own personal development, but you’ll also be contributing to the wider community through your Pay it Forward commitment.

Certified Coaches

Certified coaches have undergone rigorous training and certification programs to provide valuable guidance and expertise to individuals seeking personal and professional growth. They possess the knowledge, skills, and tools necessary to help clients identify and overcome obstacles, achieve their goals, and develop a clear vision for their future.

Pay Your Value

At MEN-tor, we understand that not everyone is in the same financial position. That's why we offer a voluntary payment contribution model for our coaching and retreat services. We believe that everyone should have access to the support they need, regardless of their financial situation. If you are able to contribute, your voluntary payment will help us continue to provide affordable and accessible support to those who need it most.

Tranquil Location

Hawkesbury Country Retreat is a picturesque and serene destination located just outside Sydney, Australia. With stunning views of the surrounding countryside and a range of luxurious amenities, it offers the perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of city life.

Build Your Pit Crew

Building your personal "Pit Crew", network of facilitators who specialise in different areas can be a game-changer when it comes to personal growth and development. These facilitators, such as coaches, mentors, therapists, nutritionists & business consultants can help you improve various aspects of your life and offer a holistic approach to overall wellness.

Register for the Next Retreat

Don’t miss your chance to transform your life at Men-Tor’s upcoming retreat date TBA, where you’ll connect with a supportive community of high-achieving men, overcome challenges, and achieve personal and professional growth in a safe and transformative environment.

Apply today and take the first step towards a better tomorrow!


What they say about us

Discover how MEN-tor has changed the lives of men from all walks of life.